Many would say that I am attracted to a certain type of man. A man who is tall, lanky, bushy hair and has an insatiable appetite for knowledge. A man who needs the aid of spectacles in order to see, a man who is a DORK. Here we have such a man.
Louis Theroux- born in Singapore, grew up in England, went to Oxford and started a career in journalism. Look at that hair, look at those (swoon) glasses, this man is not only a dork, but a dork WITH AN ACCENT. HOT! Mr. Theroux has done a number of interviews and shows which in my opinion, stirred my curiosity
Many of the topics that he chooses to highlight are concepts that people are skeptical about. He may take jabs at his subjects, but he asks what every normal person would want to know if given the opportunity to meet said subjects.
On one such episode, Mr. Theroux submerged himself with, "The most hated family in america- The core members of the Westboro Church, in Topeka, Kansas." These are the people that would rally at soldier's funerals and would picket anything related to the Gay community. It was interesting to see how he interacted with the family and church, as well as trying to understand their ideologies....needless to say he would ask a question and they would respond with...YOU ARE EVIL...nice rebuttal.
His shows are entertaining and like all good shows he makes the audience think. After every episode i can't help but wiki or google the crap out of whatever person or topic he talks to. He says, "The subjects I'm interested in are quite extreme. They're so far beyond the pale of normal human interaction that you're never going to get a reality show on that territory." But the best thing about Mr. Theroux, is that whatever he believes in or no matter how ridiculous the person is...he never maliciously mocks anyone, presses his beliefs on them and has a certain sweetness about him when interacting with anyone.
He sums up himself perfectly with this-
"You have to be ethical and straightforward but also make people comfortable enough to be themselves. If they take issue with the way I portray them - but I feel that how I portray them is how they are - I don't think there's a problem. Sometimes, people have a different idea of who they are from who they really are. That's when feelings get hurt. But I don't think being a journalist in any way absolves you of the obligation to be a decent human being."
So Mr. Theroux...Louis.....I have a question FOR YOU..........

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