Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave......
intricate details pertaining to comical events that i call my life....
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Diet coke of justice
I was recently laid off from a pretty crappy job. The job itself was well, lame, irritating, tedious and definitely not self full-filling. Over all the job served its purpose...it paid the bills. My master plan was to work here for the year, get health insurance, put a dent in my debt and get out of there after a year. Well, God and the company did not see it my way. But as irritating as the job was, rejection hurts. It hurts even more when its from something you never wanted. It's just insulting. So after the little meeting, telling me that I wasn't a good fit and that this job was just not for me, I took a diet coke from the office and took it home. When I got home I opened the soda can and drank it with a smile on my face. I call this my diet coke of justice.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
ASIANS make things Cuter

I was at an Asian supermarket and had wandered over to the stationary section. There, I was surrounded by doe eyed animals and cartoon characters plastered on any and everything- stationary. It ranged from pencils, folders, paper clips to blankets. Asians just make things cuter.

But the craziest thing, is that they took something like this(something that is already cute):
And made it into this:

damn dog was already cute but some Asian just made the dog cuter!
I am assuming boo is owned by someone who knows J.H. LEE the person behind the book or that J.H. Lee is the owner either way...that's an Asian.
When Pets fight back....
People Watching
Location: Starbucks...King of Prussia
Here I am at starbucks, using their wifi, trying to find a new job, trying to redo my resume and I can't help but look at the people around me. It's a thursday at 1 pm and people are straight lounging. I find it really interesting to think and wonder about what in the hell do these people do? How do they have the liberty to spend hours at a starbucks and not be at work.

Yes we have the suburban mom. She is wearing a furry vest, very inappropriate high heels for the day time as well as a lot, and i am not exaggerating here, an inch layer of foundation on her face. I am afraid to walk by her, that maybe the dust from her caked on face might stain my shirt. She is drinking her skinny latte chatting on her smartphone making appointments. Hair appointment, nail appointment, lunch with the "girls" appointment and of course to remember to take her kids to x,y,z. She wouldn't be a soccer mom if she didn't take the kids somewhere.
And over yonder we have the young adult/ probably college student catching up with friends from home. Of course wearing uggs, sweat pants and a northface jacket.
In the corner of the cafe is a group of people having a business meeting...I mean i am assuming as such because there is a laptop, a power point presentation and four grown men huddled around it as if it were the first fire man had created. Did i mention that neither the men or the computer fit around the tiny circular table that starbucks provides. After a couple of minutes or so, one of them would lean back to stretch and then wiggle his way back in to the group.

Then there is a man sitting on the couch who just churns my curiosity. He is wearing a sweatshirt, pajama pants which have skull and crossbones all over it. He has been on his phone for the last hour, and has not looked up even once. what the hell do you do? Are you a secret millionaire, a trustfund baby, or are u a guy who just works at nights....
Here I am at starbucks, using their wifi, trying to find a new job, trying to redo my resume and I can't help but look at the people around me. It's a thursday at 1 pm and people are straight lounging. I find it really interesting to think and wonder about what in the hell do these people do? How do they have the liberty to spend hours at a starbucks and not be at work.

Yes we have the suburban mom. She is wearing a furry vest, very inappropriate high heels for the day time as well as a lot, and i am not exaggerating here, an inch layer of foundation on her face. I am afraid to walk by her, that maybe the dust from her caked on face might stain my shirt. She is drinking her skinny latte chatting on her smartphone making appointments. Hair appointment, nail appointment, lunch with the "girls" appointment and of course to remember to take her kids to x,y,z. She wouldn't be a soccer mom if she didn't take the kids somewhere.
And over yonder we have the young adult/ probably college student catching up with friends from home. Of course wearing uggs, sweat pants and a northface jacket.
In the corner of the cafe is a group of people having a business meeting...I mean i am assuming as such because there is a laptop, a power point presentation and four grown men huddled around it as if it were the first fire man had created. Did i mention that neither the men or the computer fit around the tiny circular table that starbucks provides. After a couple of minutes or so, one of them would lean back to stretch and then wiggle his way back in to the group.

Then there is a man sitting on the couch who just churns my curiosity. He is wearing a sweatshirt, pajama pants which have skull and crossbones all over it. He has been on his phone for the last hour, and has not looked up even once. what the hell do you do? Are you a secret millionaire, a trustfund baby, or are u a guy who just works at nights....
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
New Obsession : DUNKIN DONUTS

One of the best things that I ever did was stop by a Dunkin Donuts and decided to try this new flatbread sandwich....oh how the heavens had smiled upon me that morning.
Dunkin Donuts is an under appreciated american establishment. It truly embodies the American dream whilst serving up fresh coffee and delicious treats and meals. I pity those who have not had the priveledge...NAY the honor of sampling their various pastries and sandwiches. Every Dunking Donuts I have ever been to is staffed by a group of immigrants. I commend those men and women who wake up at the wee hours of the morning to brew coffee for corporate America. They help start the days of various people from all walks of life. Anyway back to the sandwich....
I got the turkey sausage flat bread sandwich. The bread was warm and a little toasted and was filled with a piece of cheese and a turkey sausage omelet in it....it was wonderful...and i hate cheese. It was just warm and filling and quite flavorful. I would reccommend this to anyone wanting to get breakfast on the go. The best part about it, was that it wasn't greasy or feel super fatty. I was so obsessed about it that i looked up the nutritional value. It has 8 grams of fat and 280 calories vs the egg mcmuffin which as 300 calories and 12 grams of fat. All in all i was a satisfied and happy customer....
after reading this post, it should have been a yelp review...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Louis Theroux ....marry me

Many would say that I am attracted to a certain type of man. A man who is tall, lanky, bushy hair and has an insatiable appetite for knowledge. A man who needs the aid of spectacles in order to see, a man who is a DORK. Here we have such a man.
Louis Theroux- born in Singapore, grew up in England, went to Oxford and started a career in journalism. Look at that hair, look at those (swoon) glasses, this man is not only a dork, but a dork WITH AN ACCENT. HOT! Mr. Theroux has done a number of interviews and shows which in my opinion, stirred my curiosity
Many of the topics that he chooses to highlight are concepts that people are skeptical about. He may take jabs at his subjects, but he asks what every normal person would want to know if given the opportunity to meet said subjects.
On one such episode, Mr. Theroux submerged himself with, "The most hated family in america- The core members of the Westboro Church, in Topeka, Kansas." These are the people that would rally at soldier's funerals and would picket anything related to the Gay community. It was interesting to see how he interacted with the family and church, as well as trying to understand their ideologies....needless to say he would ask a question and they would respond with...YOU ARE EVIL...nice rebuttal.
His shows are entertaining and like all good shows he makes the audience think. After every episode i can't help but wiki or google the crap out of whatever person or topic he talks to. He says, "The subjects I'm interested in are quite extreme. They're so far beyond the pale of normal human interaction that you're never going to get a reality show on that territory." But the best thing about Mr. Theroux, is that whatever he believes in or no matter how ridiculous the person is...he never maliciously mocks anyone, presses his beliefs on them and has a certain sweetness about him when interacting with anyone.
He sums up himself perfectly with this-
"You have to be ethical and straightforward but also make people comfortable enough to be themselves. If they take issue with the way I portray them - but I feel that how I portray them is how they are - I don't think there's a problem. Sometimes, people have a different idea of who they are from who they really are. That's when feelings get hurt. But I don't think being a journalist in any way absolves you of the obligation to be a decent human being."
So Mr. Theroux...Louis.....I have a question FOR YOU..........

Sunday, February 6, 2011
I recently just saw the....

I just saw this movie- you might have heard of it, it's called the SOCIAL NETWORK. IF you have facebook you know what its about.

This movie IS strangely interesting.....

.....then it made me super depressed-that guy gave away 65 million away like it was a "speeding ticket", gave one guy 5 percent stock in Facebook (worth over a couple billion) the man is one of the youngest billionaires......
.........then i began to think..................................................

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