Teaching ESL has taught me a couple of things. One major rule to understand and to make your students understand is that the English language is always changing. It is always evolving, it is a great example of how popular culture and how people continuously repeat an action to then consider it to be normal. Well one such instance would be the word- AIN'T. It is not a real word, it is not a conjugation of anything, but due to popular demand and usage it has now become a regular in the English vernacular as well as in
webster's dictionary. I have accepted the fact that sometimes we as a culture should embrace change. The one thing I CANNOT ACCEPT are people using chat acronyms in their verbal conversations!
I am totally for using short hand messages while on chat or text, but to then verbalize it while talking to someone is an offense that is punishable by a punch in the face. I have a friend, who used to get charged per text. So when she would send a text, she would try to fit everything on one page. One of her text went a little like this:
Hi at the lbry thn 2 th cffee shp, wrtng ppr fr clss n wll c cldia 4 dnnr wnt 2 cum 2 dnnr mtng at vggi bar. by. translation:
HI AT THE LIBRARY THEN GOING TO THE COFFEE SHOP, WRITING A PAPER FOR CLASS AND WILL SEE CLAUDIA FOR DINNER WANT TO COME TO DINNER WE ARE MEETING AT THE VEGGIE BAR. B YEI find it comical that people who say, L-O-L actually might think its shorter to say then LAUGH OUT LOUD....its the same number of syllables! But then to shorten it so saying
LOLS, makes me want to put acid in my eardrums.
There are also those who use the term
OMG. Whenever I hear a teenager scream these letters, my body naturally shudders and I give the speaker the look of death. I get even more irritated when people slowly
pronounce each letter for dramatic effect...ITS THE SAME AS OH MY GOSH- JUST FREAKING SAY OH MY GOSH/God! What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?!?!
As the younger generation pulls up in the ranks, I am petrified that they will develop a language that lacks vowels and syllables, I pity the immigrants of 2020...they are screwed. They have to learn how to spell and then learn how to drop letters in order to understand and communicate with people of America.